Probably doesn’t count

Did you know that I have another website? It is based on my research of the historical origins of the Illinois State Police. I originally intended it to be, first, an avenue for me to make my paper/thesis available to anyone who was interested. I also planned for it to be a venue to publicly celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Illinois State Police. April 1, 2022 was the centenary date. I was working with a couple active ISP sworn personnel early on. I had grand plans, and being retired, I had time to conduct some big things. I envisioned a series of videotaped oral histories of some of the oldest living retirees (sworn and civilian). I envisioned contacting families & descendants of some of the earliest department employees to see if they had artifacts, or diaries, or photos, or old ISP related materials that I could copy and catalog. My ISP rep & I discussed a yearbook, but then a dedicated coffee table book of historical significance showcasing, significant photos, artifacts, events, etc. 

Best laid plans and all that… I did post the first chapter of my thesis, but support and enthusiasm from the ISP side evaporated. I guess I was “ghosted”. No explanations, no “thanks but no thanks”, no “sorry we do not have the time, resources, nor human resources to undertake such an involved project.”

Nonetheless, I am suddenly fired up again and have been talking to my buddy Glenn about how much I enjoyed digging through the State Archives when I was in research mode working on my thesis. He did point out that despite my INCREDIBLY busy old retired guy schedule, I could spend even 2 mornings a week digging in the archives and libraries, and still be able to drink coffee, listen to records, pretend to be restoring a couple old cars, etc… Any way, not making any resolutions, just bumbling along doing stuff that sounds fun in the moment.

welcome 2024

Happy New Year! It’s been a busy few days leading up to today, so fortunately today has been a quiet mostly uneventful day. I never make New Year’s resolutions (as a retired old goat, I feel no need to mess with perfection). I suppose if I DID, I would resolve to write on this website at least once a day (nope), maybe once a week (wrong again), once a month (don’t be silly hughes), okay, then once a season. But since it’s not a resolution, if I do do get a seasonal posting done, great, if not, that’s groovy too.

Our New Year’s Party last night started out around 5-ish with feeding cats, then eating … I had some fresh home-made vegetable soup that my sister-in-law made (yummy!). The Mrs had pizza, which looked and smelled good, but that is not within the parameters of my dietary universe. My endocrinologist has forbidden pizza (way too many carbs, and cheese). I use to eat pizza a lot, both in frequency and in quantity. Now a days, I might nibble a bite once a year. Anyway, sometime before our feeding frenzy, we played an online game competition for 45 minutes, then chowed down (I’m not sure if soup CAN be chow-downed), and then popped in our personally owned blue ray disc (into the BR player) of “When Harry Met Sally”. Seems appropriate since the grand finale takes place on NYE. After the movie finished, I tidied things up a bit, then went to bed. I am not a midnight kinda guy these days. Guess I got plenty of midnight shifts when I worked in a steel mill back in the late 70’s and later while a public servant from the mid 80’s through the early 2000’s. I am still an early riser, usually about 5 am, which thrills the cats who get to eat an early first breakfast, then nap, have a 2nd breakfast a couple hours later, then take a nap, 3rd & final breakfast when the Mrs gets up….

So, that was my NYE, 2024 style. The Mrs did stay up until midnight I think, but I was out for the count so not sure if she sang, and banged pots and pans, and lit off fireworks. At least she didn’t awaken me if she did any of that in the house. 

Hope your 2024 is happy and healthy. I am going to do everything I can to make sure it is here in OUR household!